I started packing tonight when I got home from work and I picked out my outfit that I'm going to wear on the train up to Lake George. I wanted to keep it totally comfy but chic. Plus I haven't worn the hermes pants that I bought from H&M yet. Here is my comfy sailor inspired outfit that I will wear tomorrow:
Pants: H&M
Necklace: American Eagle
I also can not wait to wear my new bathing suit from H&M. I think I'll cry if the beading comes off on this one trip!

Bathing Suit: H&M

Of course I over packed. Especially compared to my boyfriend. Here is a look at both our suit cases.
Of course I have to bring a second bathing suit. I have so many that I had to try them all on to see which one I wanted to take. The extra one I decided on bring is so old. I had bought it the summer between freshman year and sophomore year of college I believe at a Kohls.
Of course I over packed. Especially compared to my boyfriend. Here is a look at both our suit cases.
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